5 Reasons Why You Should Outsource Your Business Needs

by | Jan 17, 2019

As a business owner, it’s easy to fall into the trap of wanting to do everything yourself. We get it, it’s hard to let go of your baby and let other people run things; they just won’t take care of her as you would.

However, if there’s one thing that the lives of all successful business owners will teach you, it’s that taking a backseat on the day to day running of your business is highly beneficial because it gives you the time to work on expanding your business and improving your product. Here are five reasons why you should consider outsourcing.

1. You Have Time to Work on Growing your Business

Outsourcing for your business frees you up to work on things that actually move the needle in your business. If you want to grow your business, you need to work on your business and not in it, so you need to be working on tasks like networking, sales, marketing, and other things that are going to grow your business.

If you spend your time working on the more mundane day to day tasks, you’re going to struggle to grow. Consider outsourcing tasks that take a lot of time but don’t necessarily and directly contribute to the growth of your business.

2. You Can Get Experts to do the Tasks for You

Another reason to embrace outsourcing is that it gives you the opportunity to utilise the skills of an expert or someone who’s better qualified for the task than you. For instance, you could outsource your administrative needs and get someone who is specialised in that field and enjoys doing that type of work.

This is guaranteed to make your business run more smoothly and effectively. You can also outsource your marketing needs, branding, video production, editing, and other business tasks as you deem fit.

If it’s something you know would be done better by someone else, consider outsourcing the task because doing a shabby job yourself can actually hurt your business. In some cases, you’re better off using someone more qualified than you to take your business to the next level.

3. You Eliminate the Tasks you Don’t Enjoy

The third and in my opinion, best reason to outsource your business needs is that it eliminates the tasks that you don’t like doing. We’ve all got tasks in our businesses that we hate doing, it’s just the reality of being an entrepreneur.

Personally, I hate administrative work and suck at it, so being able to outsource it is a breath of fresh air. If you’re able to outsource certain mundane tasks that you don’t like doing to someone else who perhaps loves doing them, then it’s a win-win.

4. It Allows You Take Some Time Off

Outsourcing some tasks enables you to step away from your business from time to time. A lot of people get into owning their own businesses so they have more control over their time and can allocate more time to their families and leisure.

Then they get into it and realise that owning a business is actually tougher and more time consuming than working a 9-5. Being able to outsource and delegate certain tasks will give you the opportunity to have better freedom and to perhaps go on holiday and do those things you’ve always wanted to do as well. While you may be all about the hustle, we also need that R&R as well, and outsourcing can help do that for you.

5. You Can Get Things Done Without Hiring Full-Time Staff

Outsourcing gives you the opportunity to try a lot of people for the same task without any commitment, so it’s a great bridging solution before hiring full-time staff.

If you’re going into business on your own, and you’re not yet big enough to hire full-time staff, but you can’t conveniently do everything yourself, outsourcing or perhaps hiring freelancers could be a very good solution for you.

This will enable you to bridge the gap between getting a little bit more wiggle room in your business and not having the overhead of employing full-time staff. Doing things this way can also give you options for when you’re ready to hire; you can convert willing freelancers into your full-time staff.


Outsourcing is a 21st Century tool you should consider if you’re looking to grow your business. You can outsource anything from administrative work to customer service, to proposal writing. Getting these tasks off your to-do list allows you to focus on growing your business and getting more time to yourself and your family.

Outsourcing also helps you get fresh perspectives on your business. Freelancers can help you with new ideas or help you refine those you already have. So, you not only have more time to put into expanding your business, but you also acquire fresh ideas and insights.

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