10 Types Of Content You Should Be Creating

by | May 31, 2018

When it comes to creating content for your blog or website – not all content is equal. There are some types of content that you should be created which will give you a much bigger bang for your buck and will help you to improve your online presence. These types of content will help to establish you as a leader in your industry and an expert in your niche.


So what should you be focussing on when it comes to creating content?


Here are 10 types of content that you should be spending your time working on. If you have great examples of all of these different types, you will be well on your way to having a very comprehensive and effective online presence.



1. Well Researched Long Form Content


The old saying, “Content is King,” refers to this type of high-quality content. Anyone can churn out fluffy blogs that don’t say much. If you can create something that really offers information and value to your customers then you will stand out from the rest. Take the time to write a well-researched and in-depth guide to something that will really be helpful to your readers.


Your readers will appreciate the information and they might even bookmark the blog post to refer to it later or share it with their friends. When you provide high-quality long-form content like this, you will be showing your expertise within your niche, which will help to build trust and improve your inbound marketing.


Typically, high-quality blog posts that are at least 2000-2500 words are the highest ranked on Google. Take the time to make sure that this content is very well done and that it is helpful and relevant. Also, this should be evergreen content – which means that its relevancy won’t expire quickly and it will be as useful five years from now as it is today.


2. Vlog Content


Video content is becoming more popular than ever. It is worth thinking about how you can include more video into your online presence. There are a few advantages to video content. First, you can express yourself in ways that you simply could not with other types of content. You can explain things visually and express them using words, music and visuals that have been combined in a powerful way.


A great example of someone building up a brand with vlogging is Gary Vaynerchuk. He promotes his company Vaynermedia with his vlog, The DailyVee, which has attracted an incredible amount of attention worldwide. This is what Gary has to say about video content:
“Whether you’re an entrepreneur, a small business, or a Fortune 500 company, great marketing is all about telling your story in such a way that it compels people to buy what you are selling. That’s a constant. What’s always in flux, especially in this noisy, mobile world, is how, when, and where the story gets told, and even who gets to tell all of it.”


image Source: Logratu Dream















3. Infographics


Infographics can be a fantastic tool to help you gain links to your website. If you don’t have the skills yourself to create a powerful and impactful infographic, you can outsource this work using a website such as Upwork or 99Designs.


Why are infographics advantageous?


First of all, they are very effective for conveying a lot of complex information and statistics in a simple and easy-to-understand format. The visual aspect of an infographic is much more eye-catching than written content and it stands out within the oversaturated online information stream.


According to a recent study, infographics are liked and shared on social media three times more often than other types of content. They will improve your SEO and they help you to connect with your audience.



Image Source: Social Barrel

4. Livestreaming Video


When you create live streaming video content, it will serve a dual purpose – driving traffic and providing you with content. Within the live stream, you can include a call to action that will promote your product or service – although be careful not to turn your stream into a live infomercial. This can turn customers off.


When it comes to deciding on live streaming video content, you should hold it to the same standards as your blog posts.


Does it deliver high quality content that is relevant to your industry?


Does it bring up new ideas and information?


Does it present an interesting take on a popular topic?


When you focus on providing something valuable within your live streaming video content, it will ensure that plenty of people tune in and listen.


Create a hashtag to accompany your live-streamed content and spark discussion online before, during, and after it streams. Afterward, make sure you offer a recording of the live stream for on-demand viewing.



5. Repurposed Video


There’s nothing wrong with repurposing content – using the same content in several different ways. In fact, it can be a great way to make sure that as many people hear your message as possible. Sometimes, people prefer to watch video content rather than reading a blog post. You can repurpose your blog posts by filming yourself presenting an edited version for video. You can then add the video to the blog itself so that your readers have the option of which way they want to receive their content.



Image Source: Web Dam


6. SlideShare Content


SlideShare is a document-hosting social media channel that is used for sharing presentations. It has been around for a long time and hundreds of companies use it. Recently, with the rise of content marketing, it has become a more popular platform.


It’s worth checking out SlideShare as it can be used to create content in Word, PDF or PowerPoint that you can present easily. SlideShare is known for being an SEO powerhouse and you can generate a lot of referral content by embedding links in the document itself. Also, the entire document will be auto-transcribed and the keyword will be placed beneath it, which is great for your keyword optimisation. It is also a highly measurable way to see how your content is performing.


Think about what information you could present in a helpful slideshow on SlideShare. Also, it helps if you use the site to interact socially by sharing and commenting on other presentations.



Image Source:  Slide Share


7. Animated GIFS


You might think that animated GIFS are just for funny reactions on Twitter and in chat, but recently the blogging platform Tumblr has brought them back into the forefront. Sometimes the right fun animation can add the perfect element of playfulness and entertainment to your content.


If you find the perfect animated GIF, try adding to your landing pages and website to enhance the content. You can also make a GIF of your own if you can’t find the one you are looking for online.



8. Question Based Content


Question based content – such as a FAQs post – is very valuable to your brand. First of all, you will want to figure out what questions your customers have on their minds – which can be done via a survey or a poll on social media. Then, you can create content that answers all of their questions and they can find all of the information they need in one helpful place.



9. Case Studies


Case studies are also a great type of content to have on your blog. They provide a real world example that will really help your customers to understand how your sales process works and what value you can deliver to customers. If you have done a great job for a client in the past, ask them if you can use the story of their project on your website as a case study. Some clients might want to keep these details private, but others will be happy for you to share the details.



10. Quizzes


Quizzes can be a light and fun style of content that is easy to put together and will generate a lot of traffic for your blog. Quizzes draw people in and make them interact with your website, which will make them more interested. Also, people might share their results after they complete the quiz, which will be more word of mouth marketing for your brand.


There are a lot of apps and services online that you can use to create quick and easy quizzes that your customers can take.


The quiz shouldn’t be too complicated and shouldn’t take more than five minutes – customers want to be able to quickly take it when they are bored and browsing online.

These are just 10 of the best types of content that you should be creating for your brand. If you would like to find out more about creating high-quality content today get in touch with us today.

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