Increase Sales Lead Generation With Information Your Prospects Want

by | May 29, 2018

The truth is, getting insurance leads from your website is not easy. However, one of the ways that you can increase your success is by creating high quality educational information or as marketing professional’s term it “awareness stage content”.

What Is Awareness Stage Content?

Awareness stage content is, to put it simply, the answers to the questions that your potential customers are searching for online.

It is educational content that provides valuable information for your website visitors and in particular educates them about the problems they face.

Website visitors and potential clients usually go through three stages. First, they have symptoms of a problem but a name has not yet been given to the problem. This is known as the awareness stage.

For example, a construction contractor may want to find out which type of insurance is best for them or what their best strategy is for protecting themselves or their business against risk.
A well written blog article ranking in Google will attract this prospective client and by providing additional information that can be downloaded in exchange for their contact information will generate a lead for your brokers.Then, they are moved into the consideration stage, which is where they have given a name to their problem and are searching for solutions.

For example the construction contractor may search for something like “professional indemnity insurance for construction contractors” but now that you have their contact information and utilising marketing automation and lead nurturing you can provide them with more information in the consideration stage to bring them closer to buying from you.
Afterwards, they will be in the decision stage where they are educated about why they are best off using your insurance brokerage services. You have cemented that fact that you are the industry expert they have been searching for because you have provided them with the information they have been searching for.A relationship has been established increasing the chances of doing business dramatically.

Understanding the Needs of Your Buyer

It’s very important to take the time to think about your buyer personas. Think about their age, their professional experience, their location and much more.

Understanding who your buyers are is very important for getting an idea of why they are looking for insurance and what factors they are considering before they buy. It can sometimes help to make a list of your buyers’ personas and their attributes, so that you can better understand them and keep them in mind when you are writing awareness stage content.When you do this, you will be better able to write blog posts that will increase your levels of engagement and answer your customers’ questions.

Increasing Sales Lead Generation With Awareness Stage Content

Many people have an interest in insurance, but they don’t know a lot about it.

They may not be at the decision-making stage when they want to buy something, but they want to learn more. People who are in this awareness stage will often be the majority of visitors to your blog.

This is why it is important to build up your site with awareness stage content so that you can:

  • Increase traffic to your website.
  • Educate your prospective clients.
  • Give them the information they are looking for and then become a lead by downloading more information in exchange for their contact details.
  • Stand out as a leading industry expert.

This is the type of content that will help to turn them from a visitor of your website into a lead for your sales team. It will make the difference and influence them to make the decision in your favour.

You can also use an email signup list to gather the personal information of this group of visitors and keep them updated with new blog articles you publish.

Creating high quality awareness stage content is no easy task. The content should be well thought out and it should show an awareness of your visitor’s problem by answering the questions that they are likely to have – rather than simply promoting your services.

You will want to publish at least one blog post per week and these posts should be engaging and well written, in an approachable tone that your visitors can engage with.

Repurposing Your Content

Once you have created a great deal of well written and helpful content for your website, don’t just stop there. You can actually do a lot more with your content by repurposing it in other ways.

Pay close attention to your statistics and notice the blog posts that get the most attention. Then, take those popular posts and repurpose them in another way.

For example, you can repurpose your blog in many ways:

 Infographic credit: Venngage

By doing this, you will get a lot more mileage out of the content you have already created and it has the potential to collect more leads.

Also, this takes into account that people learn in different ways. Some people might understand the information better when listening to it in a podcast, or when seeing it visually in an infographic. This means that your information can be appreciated and understood by more people.

Using the Right Keywords

Using the correct keywords in your content is also very important.

When you are developing your plans and finding the right ideas for marketing your website, you will need to think about keyword usage.

Using the right keywords that are in context will make it easier for online users to find your website when they are searching.

For example, you could be using keywords that are relevant to your business, such as “commercial insurance” or “online business insurance quotes” or “insurance risk” or “professional indemnity insurance” depending on what type of insurance your company specialises in.

If you aren’t sure which keywords would be best for you to use, think about using a keyword tool such as Google Adwords or Moz.

Constantly Building Your Website

As you create more and more high quality awareness stage content, your website will continue to grow like a hive.

Every time you add another blog post to your website, you will be increasing its reach and expanding the archive of valuable information it contains.

Also, you will be increasing the chances that when someone makes an insurance related search, a relevant blog post of yours will pop up.

The more your blog builds up over time, the more leads it will generate for your insurance business. The best type of content for this is known as evergreen content.

Image credit: Business to Community

Evergreen content refers to a blog post that is a value-packed guide to a particular topic. It contains information that doesn’t go out of date or become irrelevant.

This type of blog post doesn’t focus on fads or trends or events that will come and go but provides timeless information and advice that will always be helpful. Also, this type of content tends to generate more social shares.

Evergreen content will show up on Google years from now when customers search for topics in your niche. It will help to establish you as an authority. It is the best way to build up your website and find more sales leads over time.

Ideally, publish at least one blog post per week, although publishing more than once per week will help your blog to grow even faster and can increase your traffic and potential leads.

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